Web Design Information
Web Copywriting: The Psychology Of Scarcity, Less Is More If You Want Faster Sales
Countdown to Armageddon - at least you'd think so judging from some of the garish copy and blaring headlines screaming at you from so many websites.
One-Product Sales Sites: Avoid These Top Blunders
One product, one long web page: this kind of web site is
sometimes called a sales letter site or mini-site, and it
focuses on one and only one goal, as many sales of that one
product as possible. With a one-product sales site, no
distractions, no subsidiary goals, such as newsletter
signups, are allowed to interfere with that goal. So let's
look at some common mistakes and omissions for a sales
letter site.
Give Your Website A Chance
I often wonder how serious people are when it
comes to their websites. I thought that most
everyone knew that the phrase "Build it and
they will come" no longer applies on the internet
but I'm not sure how many people really believe it.
Selling Multiple Products? Avoid These Top Blunders
When your web site sells more than a dozen items, you may
face a fierce challenge of helping shoppers find what they
are looking for. You'll need to classify products into
categories, but these will serve as obstacles and even deal
killers if those categories do not match those in the heads
of shoppers.
Orient Your First-time Web Site Visitor
Imagine spinning someone around so profoundly and for so
long that when you finally tell them to open their eyes,
they ask "Where am I?" not knowing if they are even on the
same continent they started from. When someone comes to
your web site from a search engine or through a link from
another site, it's like that for them. They may have little
or no context within which to understand your home page - or
another page deep within your site that they've landed on.
Color Psychology in Marketing
On the internet we don't deal with face to face selling. The internet is a visual and psychological medium. The words, or sales copy, on your website have by far the greatest psychological impact on your visitors and thus becomes your most important communication and sales tool.
6 Website Design Disasters and How to Avoid Them?.
Let?s face it; the line from A Field of Dreams isn?t the whole truth. There?s more to getting people to come to something than simply building it. Someone built the old run down historical mansion, but hardly anyone visits it (except maybe people you wouldn?t want to run into). People want to find a place online that caters to them, specifically. They want it to be pleasant on the eyes, up-to-date, simple to understand and easy to get around in. But, this isn?t an area where everyone succeeds. And sadly, some of the reasons for failure seem small, almost minute. Below are six website design disasters and simple steps that you can take to avoid them.
Why Use Professional Web Site Designers For Your Next Web Development Project?
Probably you know someone who has created a web site all by himself or herself. So if they can do it why use a professional at all? Can't you create your own business or organization's web site in your spare time and without the services of a professional web site designer? The answer is probably, yes. But following are some reasons why it may not be a wise idea for you.
Make Your Site Quick To Load!
The time it takes to load your site can make or break a visitor?s first impression of your site. If your site takes too long to load, the visitor will click ?Stop? or ?Back? and leave your web site. If you are a business and offering people important information, it is critical to have a nice design, with a quick load time.
Web Design Tips To Boost Your Sales
The way you design your web site affects your visitors? online experience. As each visitor to your site is a potential customer, the easier they find your web site to use and the more they enjoy being on it, the higher the chance that they will make a purchase.
Dont Lose The Sale In The Internets Last Three Feet
In retailing there is a saying that sales are made in the last three feet. What this means is that no matter what you have done with your marketing, the final purchase decision is made when a customer is in-store, with the product in front of them.
Do You Really Need A Website?
Nope. You certainly don't need a website.
Digitalize It! : (Modification of images with tools such as Adobe CS and Corel)
Then it was a choice among crayons, paints and palettes for an artist and designer to create art. It was a box of crayons that make one happy designer during his early years of formation.
Build It And Build It Cheap!
There are several very good reasons why you should consider building your own web site versus having someone do it for you. It's more cost efficient, you can make it much larger in content, you are more involved in how you want the pages to look, and I have actually enjoyed learning the dos and don'ts of website profiling. I have run into some definite don'ts as I thrashed my way through building the few that I have needed , but I envy the professionals that get paid to make websites. Although I'm sure that I've made mistakes on my sites, I'm pretty happy with the results so far.
Build It And Build It Cheap! Part II
If you are familiar with my work, then you have probably taken a look at the first part of this article, and may well be on your way to having your website up and running. Congratulations!!! It's hard work, but having pride in the accomplishment is worth it! Now you have to find the people who want to see it, AKA--site traffic.
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Custom Web Site Design Strategies
Web site design has certainly, in the past decade, evolved tremendously. More clients now are demanding custom design, as opposed to the 'cookie cutter' sites of yesteryear.
How to Double Your Online Sales Without Spending Another Dime on Advertising
Learning how to convert visitors to your web site into buyers, is the single most important factor affecting the success of your online business. If you don't have paying customers, your business will fail.
6 Design Flaws Newbie Web Designers Make: Fool Everyone Into Thinking You Know What Youre Doing
Even if you're not an accomplished webmaster you can still have a professional looking website. You may be like I was five years ago-you're teaching yourself web design and you're starting to catch on to that HTML stuff. You're so excited about your new bag of tricks-but slow down partner, sometimes less is more. In fact the only time more is more is when it concerns chocolate cheesecake or something like that. (I can never get enough chocolate!)
Title Tags - How to Make Them More Effective
The title tags of your web pages are more important than most web authors realize. Once you understand why the title is so important, you can easily write more effective title tags.
Welcoming Your Website Visitors
Imagine you're going on a blind date. You've heard wonderful things about this person, and in your heart of hearts you're thinking -- hoping -- this might just be "the one." Your heart beats a little faster as you pull into the driveway, and your stomach is all aflutter as you gingerly reach out and ring the door bell.
9 Ways to Gain Your Visitors Respect
The internet is filled with sites and they are good and bad. Some have been known for a long time and some still struggle to get the respect and fame they think they deserve.
Build Web Pages from the Top Left Corner Down
There are two important reasons to build your website from the top left hand corner down.
How Not To Get Web Design Work
I get the occasional web design lead from my website. I wanted to find a company I could pass these onto. So I put an ad on a freelance site. It specified the programming qualifications needed, stated that the successful candidate should have good English, and was for companies only.
Effective Website Design
In this era of ultra-sophisticated internet marketing and web design, there is no excuse for an e-business to suffer with an ineffective website. Whether your goal is to present a basic business website that briefly introduces and describes your company and product, or you endeavor to develop a fully-functioning cash-cow storefront, there is a wide array of design choices to cater to all of your needs. Your website should fit your business like a well-tailored Armani suit. It should reflect exactly who you are and at the same time, instill confidence in the potential buyer that your business is solid, stable and reliable.
Its No Good Having A Killer Product If You Dont Have A Killer Website
Read the title of this article over a couple of times in your head so it really starts to sink in.
Web Crimes: how to avoid common website design mistakes
Thinking about designing your own website? Think again about adding any of these "features"?
Build A Successful Website For Dummies
When Your Graphic Designer Costs You Money
So how do you know when your graphic designer costs you financially and emotionally?
Winning Websites
Customers will form an opinion of your business as soon as they look at your website. Therefore the same basic rules apply that you use in the production of your brochure and your business card - It needs to grab attention, be easy to read, have a benefit statement, be friendly and make a statement about your business.
Flash Design Adds Website Versatility
You have probably viewed many Flash-based components while surfing the Internet. Most smooth animations on websites and in banner ads, short films, and presentations are built in Flash. Macromedia Flash is a powerful and adaptable software program. It enables Flash web designers to incorporate sound, movement, and interactivity that cannot be achieved with standard HTML websites.
How To Create A Homepage That Works
Want to know what the worst thing to say on a homepage is?
Web Site Redirection - How to Implement a 301 Redirect
You just created a new web site but want to pass on the search engine rankings of the old one to the new one. What is the most effective and spider/visitor friendly strategy to implement your web site redirection? You should use a 301 redirect.
If Content is King who is Queen?
It's been said again and again, when it comes to getting people to visit your site (and stay there for more than 5 seconds), the quality of your content rules supreme. But once you've bowed to interest, saluted relevance and kow-towed to originality, who else must you pay homage to for recognition in the court of website stickiness?
Why Long Web Pages are Better than Short Ones
Many Internet sites that try to sell you something have very long pages. Why is that do you think? Well, it appears that long, scrolling, web pages lead to more sales than short pages. This article explains why you need long web pages.
Is Your Website Color As Inviting as Your Home? Does Color Really Matter?
We've all read the countless publications about effective web site design, outstanding written content and the never ending need for search engine optimization. But often the importance of color for a web site is overlooked. Yet it is a proven fact that physical changes take place when individuals are exposed to certain colors. Because colors have the power to stimulate, excite, or even depress, specific color combinations can possibly work to your advantage or to your detriment.