Webmaster Papers

Its No Good Having A Killer Product If You Dont Have A Killer Website

Read the title of this article over a couple of times in your head so it really starts to sink in.

So what does this title really mean. Well, there's no beating around the bush with this one... it means exactly what it says.

If your site is NOT an order-pulling, money-sucking mean machine then it's not really worth promoting your product, whether it's a killer product or not.

It is vital that your site has a well-written and extremely powerful sales letter that will hook your prospects and reel them in like a fish.

Your goal is to walk your prospect through your sales letter straight to your order page where they will be so excited, they would have already whipped out their credit card from their wallets.

"Your Site MUST Influence Visitors To Buy"

Now ask yourself this... "I have an amazing product but do I really have a killer converting website?"

If you're not really sure, take a look at your web stats:

- How many unique visitors did your site receive last month?
- What's the average time spent on your sales page per visitor?
- How many people clicked onto your order page but didn't order?
- Most importantly, how many visitors actually ordered?

Armed with this information, you can now look at how well your site is performing and how you can improve your site's conversion rate.

As you probably well know, the industry standard conversion rate is 1% which is not bad, but then again not that good either.

If your site is converting under 1% then it needs serious and immediate attention because you're losing a lot of money, more so if you have a high traffic site.

Let's just take a look at a quick example, so you can see it more clear in black and white.

Let's say your site converts a 0.5% and you only receive 100 unique visitors per day. Your product sells at $97.

This means that you're roughly selling half a product a day, an average of 15 sales per month, right?

100 visitors per day x 30 days = 3,000 visitors per month.
3,000 x 0.5% = 15 (15 sales per month)

15 sales x $97 = Monthly income of $1,455

This is definitely NOT a killer site. It would need major time spent on creating a high converting sales letter.

Now, let's say you have your current sales letter scrapped and a brand new one created that converts at 1.5%

How does this affect your monthly income? Let's take a look.

100 visitors per day x 30 days = 3,000 visitors per month. 3,000 x 1.5% = 45 (45 sales per month)

45 sales x $97 = Monthly income of $4,365

$4,365 - $1,455 = $2,910

That's nearly an extra $3,000 per month without generating any extra traffic to your site.

Do you see how powerful a well-written sales letter can be.

It doesn't matter what kind of product you're selling and it doesn't necessarily have to be a marketing 'How To' product.

You could be selling a product to do with travel, gardening, pets, music, sport, dating, cooking, it doesn't matter.

But what does matter is, if you want to see a pile of orders in your inbox every morning when you wake up, then your sales copy has to be nothing short of order-pulling.

It MUST be a high sales converter otherwise you're leaving a pile of cash on the table which should really be in your bank account.

So what conversion rate would I class to be a killer site... 1.5%?

No... 1.5% is good, but there is room for improvement.

What about 2%?

Now we're getting somewhere. 2% is a great conversion, obviously 2.5% is even better and I'd be pretty happy if my site was converting between 2% and 2.5% but personally, I still wouldn't class it as a killer site.

This is what I like to aim for... the 3% mark.

Now we're definitely talking. I'd class a site converting 3% of it's visitors into paying customers as a killer site.

Personally, I prefer NOT to use sales letter generators but to write my sales letters from complete scratch starting with a blank piece of paper.

I find that this gives me great scope and does not limit my creative juices as if I were to use a generator.

My websites have seen conversion rates as high as 3.8% which I feel is pretty darn good.

Along with a powerful sales letter, it is advisable to have a quality set of graphics, so your site likes professional.

If your site has a quality look to it, then your potential customers are more than likely to think that your product is of high quality.

This can also improve sales dramatically because seeing a picture of your product makes it look like a real physical product that they can get their hands on.

People like to see things before they buy. So when you show them a picture of your product, this will increase it's perceived value inside your prospects head and this will increase your sales.

By using world-class website graphics, some marketers have experienced a conversion rate increase of over 400%.

A quality looking website, pleasing to the eye and an amazingly powerful sales letter when put together, will create a site that will influence prospects to buy.

Copyright 2005 OneForce Marketing

Steve Tanner has been marketing online since 2002 and has created many best-selling products. His latest project is a brand new service called Sites That Influence and is sure to be another online hit. Just go to: http://www.SitesThatInfluence.com


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