Web Design Information
Don?t Put Your Slogan in the Title Tag - Optimize Your Web Pages
Don't just put your slogan in the title tag
when you formulate the copy of your website. The
formulation of the title tag is the most
important single aspect when you fine-tune your
Converting Traffic into Sales
Making a successful online business can be a long and tiresome adventure. For most new online business's this can just lead to failure and a website that just isnt making sales despite a high number of visitors.
How a Custom Designed Website Can Help Your Business
Over the years, the internet has grown into a marvelous avenue to promote your business.
Browser Compatibility
Internet Explorer, created by microsoft has been the most popular web browser for many years. But the gap is shrinking with the release of Mozilla Firefox, by an open source community.
What Happened to My Website when I Deleted the Home Page by Mistake?
There is a widespread confusion among lots of new website
designer concerning the home page.
Choose & Use the Best Colors
The Psychology of Color
Web Site Templates and Their Benefits
Unarguably, the most important part of your website is content. To draw in clients or customers, you need captivating content and search engines are blind to web design. They only see content. The images, structure and colors of your website go out the window when it comes to search engine placement, which we all know is the single best traffic generator. Your web design is really only a shell that makes your content look pretty. Don?t get me wrong, your site?s design can be very important. People are influenced by colors they see, and the quality of your design lends credibility to your brand-image.
Maximising Web Site Viewability - Browsers
With so many different configurations internet users have their
computers set up with, it can be difficult to decide how web sites should be configured so that it is viewable in as many
configurations as possible.
Maximising Web Site Viewability - Resolution
This is my second article on maximising web site viewability. Analysing screen resolution data.
Dos and Donts in Web Design - part 2 (content)
Do know your audience
What You Should Ask a Web Designer Before You Hire Him
You?ve thought about it and you?re ready to go. You?re ready to give your business an online presence. You want your own website. That?s great but unless you are doing it yourself, you would be shopping for a website designer. Some people would design their own websites but most people prefer to save themselves the time and money and hand the job over to the professionals.
A Landing Page is Not an Order Page (and why it matters)
To explain my point I need to first confuse the issue a bit (you?ll see why): While a landing page is not an order page, it can, and in many cases should, contain the order form.
Converting Print Advertising For Use On The Web - A How-To
Contrary to the beliefs of some, advertising for web and print are very different. Converting print ads for use on the web is very tricky. What has been very successful on paper may have no impact at all on the screen. When I am asked ?How do I convert my print ads to web?? my answer is simple: don?t! Web and print are so vastly different that I believe you should never build your web pages based on a print ad.
7 Benefits of HTML Validation
You may not bother with html validation or writing simple
and clean code when designing your web site. Later you may
find your site is slow loading, appears incorrectly in the
main browsers and does not rank well for the major search
Web Copy - What You Should Know First
Just what is web copy? Some people think that web copy is anything that is written on a web page. But that is "content" and it is decidedly different than web copy. Simply stated, web copy is the copy that is used to sell anything on a web page. So now you say, but that's "sales copy." And you would be partly correct, but traditional direct mail copy and web copy are two different animals.
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Your Free Guide To Obtain A Cheap Web Design Quote
Website design is a very competitive area and there is no longer any reason why people should pay large amounts for web design services.
20 Tips to Creating a Profitable Website
As an online Entrepreneur you require a successful website.
Increasing Conversions Through Action-Oriented Copywriting
I do site reviews. Needless to say, I see a lot of Web copy. One thing that always befuddles me is the lack of focus many site pages have. It's as if the writer assumes the site visitor will read the copy and automatically know what to do next. The fact is you have to know what action you want visitors to take before you get them to take that action. That means knowing what the preferred action you want visitors to take is, before you write the copy.
Other Ways to Look at Things
Many people today are tired of the Microsoft software that came pre-packaged with their operating system. Some have switched over to Apple's Macintosh line, but for the most part we just put up with what we have. Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) has come under a lot of fire as of late for several reasons. Hackers find IE easy to exploit.
The Testimonial Trick
One of the most popular methods of traffic generation is the link exchange. Not only can they generate fairly targeted traffic from other related web sites, the number of quality links to your site is also a major factor determining your web site's ranking in major search engines like Google.
How Not to be Ripped Off by Your Website Designer
As web designer my self, I have had the unfortunate luck of speaking to too many of my clients who have been ripped off by a web designer somewhere along the line. Whether it be that the designer never really finished the website, took the deposit and was never heard from again, or finished the website with less than promised quality.
Dont Lose The Sale In The Internets Last Three Feet
In retailing there is a saying that sales are made in the last three feet. What this means is that no matter what you have done with your marketing, the final purchase decision is made when a customer is in-store, with the product in front of them.
Web Templates: Replacing Designers?
I've seen articles (and websites) that suggest you can buy a website template and skip the expense of hiring a professional website designer. Recently, I read several testimonials from the very satisfied customers of a website template vendor that mentioned how quickly they were able to get their sites done. The template vendor commented that he/she had known people to complete their websites in around two hours.
Technology vs. Usability
When JV Media Design was formed, the year was 1995 and the Internet was a very different place than it is today.
Creating Your First Website? Your Options
Creating your own website is great fun! But how is it done? Well, there are five main options, read this carefully and choose which one you think is best for you!
Usability and Considerate Design
I hate to imagine that in your web development project team meetings, the one thing that will be overlooked is consideration for the end user. Yet, how many white boards have you seen lately that have "ease of use", or "be polite to customers" scribbled anywhere on them? Rather, the discussion hits on revenue generation, business requirements, colored backgrounds and information architecture. All good things, of course, but I'm quite sure you all want somebody to use it too, correct?
Mini Site or Content-based Web Site?
Are you in a dilemma whether to create a mini site or a content-based web site for your new product or service? The purpose of creating a web site should be to attract visitors and convert them to paying customers. Is a mini site with a few pages enough to do this or should you spend more time and create a content-based web site which contains many pages?
Offshore Web Design and Development - Use Great Opportunities
Sooner or later every small or medium business owner realizes that he needs a web site for his business. And almost everybody wants to have great web site for affordable price because usually web site design budget is quite limited.
Use Exclusive Content - When Reprint Articles Dont Do Enough
There is no doubt that reprint articles can serve lots of search engine traffic to your site... All you have to do is to check your traffic logs and you will see how much traffic finds your site via one of the major search engines, as a result of those reprint articles being located on your website.
When Your Graphic Designer Costs You Money
So how do you know when your graphic designer costs you financially and emotionally?
How to Design Website Which Google Likes
Are you going to design or redesign new website or thinking for it, then first read below given points, which google likes in a website, Google Information for Webmasters.
Website Checklist
10 Basic Things Your Website Should Have ...
The Proper Way to Use Images
Most people will agree there is nothing more annoying than going to a site and it taking forever and a day to download all the images just so you can see the site. Then after waiting, realizing that the site is completely ugly, irrelevant,or not what you thought is was, and wasting your time.
Web Site Turn Ons
When you develop a sales brochure, you have a mental checklist of what needs to be in it. You probably look at brochures from other vendors. You get advice from friends and colleagues. You probably also notice the sales flyers you get in the mail. What do you notice? What gets your attention?
The Secret To A Profitable Website
Whether you are planning on having a website built for your business or you are looking for ways to increase the sales being generated (if any) from an existing website the following information will be of enormous benefit to you.