Web Design Information
How To Create A Professional Website In Less Than A Week
Here's a really simple way... any novice can create a fully functional website in less than a week.
Designing Your Web Site For ALL Browsers
Let's face it. Building a web site that browses consistently on multiple platforms and multiple browsers is not always as easy as we would like.
Web Page Building for Beginners 4
Page ranking by search engines such as Google are not only overrated but unusually explained by ?experts? in the SEO field. SEO stands for search engine optimization and is needed to get your website placed at the top of a web search. I have no truck with someone wanting to get their pages placed in the number one or two spot from a search, but page ranking has nothing to do with that whatsoever and I can assure the reader that I can prove this to anyone with a computer. In fact, if you will just do a search for ?writing critic? you will find www.homewriters.com near the top and since I own that site, I can explain to everyone how it got there and why. But at one time, I had four out of the top five spots on Google for this very same search. And by the way, my pages had no rank at all when they were first placed in the top positions by Google and Yahoo!
Web Page Building for Beginners 2
A search engine robot actually reads the wording on your web pages and places a certain amount of importance on what the content says, but not quite like a human does. A human will place the words together in their head and try to decipher the relevancy to them personally and decide within a few seconds whether they will continue reading or click to another site, whereas a robot counts words and places all relevancy in the numbers it finds. It also gives extra credit to the size of the type and title of each page.
Web Templates: Replacing Designers?
I?ve seen articles (and websites) that suggest you can buy a website template and skip the expense of hiring a professional website designer. Recently, I read several testimonials from the very satisfied customers of a website template vendor that mentioned how quickly they were able to get their sites done. The template vendor commented that he/she had known people to complete their websites in around two hours.
The Next Marketing Tool: Deisgn
Design sells. It?s something that all of us know, but few of us consciously acknowledge. There is an age old adage that warns people not to ?judge books by their cover.? In other words, we shouldn?t judge people or products by their appearance. But this isn?t true in America. We do judge books by their cover ? in fact we spend billions of dollars on products that have prettier ?covers.?
Are You Driving Away Potential Customers?
When a prospect lands on your website will he or she understand what you are presenting? Do your ordering/sign up instructions make sense? Can prospects easily find the information they are searching for? If you don?t know the answers to these questions you may be driving away potential customers.
Basic Graphic Design
Wether you design your business brochures, flyers, web page, or ads there are some things that you need to know. There are some basic graphic design principles that those of us trained in the commercial art/graphic design field don?t always share. Here?s a short list of elements of graphic design that you can use today.
Why Stock Photography is a Great Resource for Web Business
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Building Web Sites Using Web Templates
Gone are the days when you had to rely on a web-designer to design your websites. New technologies with innovative ideas have brought out a new variant to this trend in the form of ready to use website templates.
Tried and Tested Tips to Improve Your Website - Part 1
1. DO NOT use excessive graphics or banner images on a single web page. They tend to slow the loading of your Web page. Impatient surfers might close their browser and move on. If you have many images on a single page, consider deleting few of them or moving them to a new page.
How to save money on a website
Know what you want
How to Choose a Website Design Company
The internet is full of web design companies pleading for your business. They all look great! Not sure which company to select? By following these simple steps, you'll be able to select the perfect designer for your business.
6 Reasons Why Using Flash is a BIG Mistake
Most web designers and web design companies will try to convince you that if you want your business to have the best site possible that you MUST have a flash site. Flash, for those of you who are newbies, is a software program that can create really cool special effects and animations. You can either have flash elements embedded in your website or you can have your entire website done in flash.
Wording Up Your Website
Back to basics. Forget funky design, good copywriting is the key to a clear and intuitive website.
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Basic Graphic Design
Wether you design your business brochures, flyers, web page, or ads there are some things that you need to know. There are some basic graphic design principles that those of us trained in the commercial art/graphic design field don't always share. Here's a short list of elements of graphic design that you can use today.
Effective Web Design Usability Principles
Website Design Usability Tips
The Technology May Change, But Human Nature Remains The Same
Let me repeat that..
Fast Web Design For The Skint Webmaster
About two years ago, I had a go at commercial web site design. I put a medium-sized ad in a London classified ad paper. Nothing fancy: "Web designer seeks work ..." etc. This was expensive, about £500 for a month's run.
Developing An Effective Physical Therapy Web Site
Physical therapists have unique web presence needs. An effective site must:
50 Surefire Web Design Tips
Tips to brand your website
Why Dot-Coms Fail - a Webmasters Perspective
Everyday we hear that another company goes out of business.
Hiring a Graphic Designer
You've come up with a great product. You've got the sales letter written for your website. Now you need the graphic design to complement your product and the text that describes it. Not being artistically inclined or adept at the technicalities of computer graphics, you decide you need some help.
Becoming A Website Designer
The ability to create simple, attractive and functional web pages is a highly marketable skill. There is a huge and growing demand for websites and web content, especially for smaller organizations who often can't afford to hire a full-service web design firm.
Web Design: Should You Hire Someone or Do It Yourself?
So you need a website. You are not sure if you should hire someone or learn HTML and do it yourself. Consider these points before making your final decision.
Increase Sales on Your Website! Use Graphics!
How many times have you clicked on a website only to find a screen full of text? You read a large-scale headline and then all you see is text, much like reading a letter. You scan down the page looking for something to attract your attention.
Top Six Ways To Make Your Visitors To Hate YOU!
We will take a look at why your visitors may hate you maybe already do! There are many things that make YOUR visitors dislike you, but we take a look the top sex things that make your click the back button on their browser.
Plugging the Dreaded World Wide Web Black Hole is Just the First Step
You have created your custom error page so now all of that traffic that use to go into the World Wide Web black hole now stays on your web page. But if you don't do the following 15 Minute exercise once or twice a month you are not Maximizing those Lost visitors
Turn Harmful 404 Error Pages Into Helpful 301 Redirects
It's a fact, Page Not Found, known as a 404 error, can harm your website Ranking with Search Engines as well as being a Turn-Off for Visitors.
Free Website Design Tips
In this article I will give a few tips of where to find a low cost web design company and also about the best ways of producing a quality website.
Your Website Could be Letting You Down
A professionally presented business website is a powerful and essential marketing tool: it's the first thing prospective customers will look at before they decide to contact you.
How to Make Effective Use of Web Fonts
Writing for your web site is not the same as offline writing. The fonts used for print media are different than web fonts. This is because it's harder to read text on a computer screen and visitors tend to scan your web pages rather than read them word for word. When deciding on what web font to use, take into consideration the character of your site and whether the web font type is widely available (accomodates different screens and operating systems).
Flash - To Use Or Not To Use?
Out there in the WWW there are thousands sites using flash for their needs. But the majority sites are not in this list. Let's summaries some facts about flash using on YOUR web site and after that it's you who will have to decide: to use or not to use. There are some facts about Macromedia Flash Technology:
Creating a Favicon
Once, I attempted to create a favicon (the little graphic in the URL address box) for this Web site, but never did finish the work until now. I used a free program that allowed me to copy and paste an image to create an icon, but I believe it has spyware so I won't share its name. There are many icon creators out there.
Are Web Templates Worth It?
First off, I am a designer. Now you're thinking, here's this guy trying to convince me to hire a designer costing a few hundred to a few thousand dollars instead of buying a pre-made web template for about $60. Well, these days most companies don't have the money to invest in a costly web site and there are thousands of hungry web designers out there, plus now there are web template resources. These resources can equal great value and effectiveness for the customer as well as increased business for the web designer.