Why to Have a Website for Your Company
After having decided to start a business, the next thing that arrives in your mind is How to market the Product/Service? How to create a brand? How to recruit people? How & where to advertise? etc? Next is creating departments like Marketing, Operations, Advertising, Branding and Human Resource. You need some way to represent each department?
For example Human Resource needs a way to represent the company to hire talents, marketing team needs someway to represent products/services, branding team needs a way to represent the company overall... As a startup you can't make huge investment to represent your company by giving ads in news paper or through sign boards or through hoardings or any other means?
One of the cheap & efficient ways to represent your business is through a website? Let me tell you about the advantages of having a website
? It is cheap
? Your company goes global if you have a website
? Most online advertising is cheap
? Saves time
Likewise there are many more advantages? Ok let me take you in detail about the above mentioned points... To create a web site you need a domain name and hosting space (You can Google to find a cheap domain registrar & host), then the next thing is content (also there are many freelance content writers) or you can do it by yourself if you are good in it? Then you need to have a good web design (http://www.templatemuseum.com sells ready to use corporate designs)? With all these things you can launch a website for less than $50 - $100?
If you launch a prospectus representing your company its reach is only local, by having a website for the company you are going global & your reach goes beyond territories?
Unlike news paper advertising, sign board advertising, television advertising online advertising is cheap & worth it, because
? In online advertising you can advertise to your targeted audience
? Online advertising are global
Normally these are the steps that is involved in marketing
Step 1 : Making appointments
Step 2 : Give an introduction about the company
Step 3 : Give a brief about the product / service
Step 4 : Show a demo
Step 5 : Close the deal
Having a website we need not make appointments, give a brief about the company & product/service, your website will talk for you? So you can eliminate Step 1, 2 & 3? Same can apply to Human Resource & Advertising too? So it saves time?
Also you are bound to get enquiries from search engines, online directories etc... So you have possibilities of getting new opportunities without any effort.
I'd like to make a point clear that having a website doesn't mean you are done with everything, it is just a supporting medium to represent your company & can help in simplifying many process? So, it is recommended to use it as a support for your business & follow your traditional way of business too?
I hope this article must have helped. Please drop in your feedback to anand@templatemuseum.com.
About The Author
S.Anand Nataraj is the founder of TemplateMuseum.com a professional Website Design company, specializing in helping small business owners get ahead. anand@templatemuseum.com

Web accessibility for screen magnifier users
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