5 Essential Traits Of A Home Business Website
So you've decided to start an online work at home business and are just beginning to build your website. You probably have a million different ideas for what you want the site to look like. You will want to take into consideration that your idea of a great website may differ drastically from what a website designed to make sales should be like.
In this article I have offered 5 very important traits of a professional home business website. Implementing these into your website will make it much more effective in getting visitors to do what you want them to do.... Give You Their Money!
Here are 5 traits of great home business website (in no particular order):
1) Build A Professional Looking Site ? There are millions of websites on the Internet and many of them are very well designed. Make sure your website is as professional in appearance as your competition. You will be judged on the appearance of your site so make sure you don't lose visitors because of a bad design.
2) Provide Visitors With All the Info They Need ? If a visitor to your website has to put any effort into finding the information they need, you will lose them fast. Everything should be easily available to them with clear directions on how to get it. Make all important information no more than one click away.
3) Have A Newsletter Sign-Up ? Having a form for people to opt-in to a newsletter is a great way to build a list of customers. It's also a great way to build trust and a strong following. Pack it full of great information, resources, freebies, and more. You will bring them back for more plus they just might tell all their friends about you.
4) Make It Sell ? You are building a work at home business website so you can make money. In order to do that you must get your visitors to make purchases. Your site should have a direct call to action with your best products and/or services listed in highly visible places.
5) Allow feedback ? It's important to have a way for your visitors to offer feedback to you. They should also have an easy way to ask questions and make comments. People will like this because they get to give their input about what they would like to see done. You will benefit by being able to know what your customers want or need.
Ok, now you should be able to get a great start on that business website. Include all five of the things above then build some great information around them. You will have a wonderful website that should bring back visitors time and time again.
Copyright © Trent Brownrigg
I grant permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way (grammatical corrections accepted).
About The Author
Trent Brownrigg is a successful internet marketer, business mentor, and author of business articles. He will personally help you build a secure financial future. Visit http://www.work-at-home-jobs-iowa.com for more details.

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