The Number One Reason Most Websites Fail
Failure, just like success, is measured differently by each and every one of us. What one man treats as success another may view as failure. For the purposes of this article a website that fails is one that fails to attract and convert enough targeted visitors into paying customers. Yeah - positive feedback from your website visitors is great but let's face it - we're all in this ultimately to make more money.
Websites do fail. Lots of them fail. You will see many of them every day. Some of them fail to inspire or enthuse. Some fail to get found at all. Some fail to get completed. Some fail to understand the needs of the people visiting them. But there is an underlying common reason for all these failings..
"A Website? Yeah - We Got One Of Those Three Years Ago"
I guarantee you will have heard something similar to this statement before. Some people take the viewpoint that a website is something that gets done, the box gets ticked and that's it taken care of. They get a website because everyone else has one and it seems like the right thing to do. They don't have a better reason than that. The information they put on the website is copied directly out of their latest brochure complete with company history, MD's mug shot and crappy photo of the offices. And that's it. The site goes live and they tick the box..
"The Internet Sucks - We Don't Get Any Business From It"
That's what these people say three years after their brochure website went live. It's been unchanged in all that time, it uses Frames, has a counter on it, has some 'funky' scrolling text across the top and an early 90s colour scheme. Why on earth haven't they got any business from it?! And this my friends, is the number one reason most websites fail - the business owners treat the decision to get a website like it's the least important thing they will ever do. A necessary evil that has to be completed to keep up with current trends. Businesses like this will never get any business from their website and they don't deserve to!
Your Competitor Is Driving A Truck Towards You - Stand Still And You're Dead
It's that simple. Keep moving. Developing a website that brings you business is not a task it is a lifelong dedication to ongoing learning, application of new knowledge and continuous improvement. Keep moving, keep learning, keep improving your website, keep it up to date, overhaul it every two years, implement the latest technologies and industry practices.
Just remember what Darwin said;
"It is not the strongest or the bravest that survive. It is those that are most adaptable to change."
Stand still and you will get hit by the truck. Keep moving and you have a chance to remain in the race for success. Don't let laziness or fear of change lead to your failure..
Michael Cheney
Sales & Marketing Director, www.magnet4web.com
About The Author
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Websites: You Get What You Pay For!
So you finally decided to invest in a web presence or upgrade your current site? There are many available choices in "web designers" to choose from. This decision is an important one! You may have a relative or friend of a friend who will do your web site at a very low cost from the comfort of their house. At the same time you receive a quote of a higher price from a professional design house. Who do you choose? The first instinct is to always assume the lower price is a better choice. This article will discuss why this isn't always true, and why "YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!"
Website Sales: 10 Reasons Why People Dont Buy From You
You've put up a website to promote a product or service.
7 Ways to Gain a Professional Online Reputation
A professional online reputation is essential to the flourishing of any business big or small. Many business owners spend countless hours on the core operations of their business forgetting the importance their website has. Having an up-to-date website with a professional appearance and easy navigation can make or break a lot of potential business deals. Below are 7 ways you can gain a professional online reputation.
How to Draw Icons or Images on a Mapserver Generated Map
In this example I have used the map of the Itasca demo of the Mapserver. I have done only small changes to the map file. The Itasca demo has (into the html file) the parameters of the path where to store the images:
So You Want To Have A Website
So you want to have a website. You have gone on to the internet and surfed but you have no idea what developing a website involves.
Traffic for Webmasters
"If you build it, they will come"; is an age old phenomenon for webmasters that they develop the website and visitors themselves would visit that. This may be true for only a handful of websites but the most important and crucial topic for any webmaster today is to how to get targeted traffic to his website.
How to Listen on the Web
When building a relationship, listening is more important than talking.
What is The Google Toolbar?
No matter what browser you may want to use, you should consider using Google's toolbar. Google.com, the innovative, stripped-down, add-free search engine that has taken the web by storm has provided an innovative interface through most web browsers; mainly Internet Explorer. This toolbar has many great features for searching around the Internet as well as blocking those annoying Pop-up ads that scream "BUY ME!" every twenty seconds.
The Importance of Website Stats to You
One of the best tools you have as a webmaster is your website statistics. The most popular site stats programs are Awstats, Webalizer, and Analog. Usually, they come free of charge and are accessible through your website's control panel provided by your web host.
Developing State-enabled Applications With PHP
Installment 1
How to Create Sizzling Sales online
"Don't Sell the Steak, Sell the Sizzle."
Be Creative Before You Purchase Or Create A Website
Before you jump into spending coutnless hours on designing and publishing your website, or spending hundreds on having it done by anyone else you should plan out your full design (or structure). This is very important so that when it comes time to do this long-lasting project you will be well prepared.
The Dos and Donts of Launching a Small Business Website
Launching a new small business website is often a long and painstaking process. And for most small businesses, the endeavor rarely ends in success. The terrain is mapped with freelancers, firms, and consultants that don't offer the same services and most certainly don't charge the same prices. Projects are often riddled with unclear expectations, missed deadlines, and ridiculous hourly rates. What's worse is that many developers have the audacity to ask for even more money halfway through the project. Even after all of the hard work is complete, most companies don't even see a return on investment.
Find the Purpose of Your New / Proposed Website
Absolutely everything stems from the purpose of your website - selection of hosting, programming, graphic design, copywriting, internet marketing, autoresponder service, and e-commerce. So it's very important to establish the purpose of your business website first. The most common purposes for a business website are:
How to Build a Database Driven Web Site
If you ever want to create a state directory, article directory, dating site or link directory, you need to know about creating database driven web sites. This may seem like a daunting task at first, if you have never done it, however I was in the same boat as you. It is not as difficult as you think.
Web Content: How Much Should I Pay?
When web content gets discussed on webmaster bulletin boards, the most common question is, "how much should I pay?" That question is both perfectly logical, and perfectly stupid:
Get Your Business on the Web
I can't think of any business alive today that couldn't benefit from at least a minor presence on the web. Now that I've made that statement, I'm sure someone will point out one. My point is, however, that having a web presence today is about as cheap as anything going and if you ever get one client or sale from the web you are way ahead.
Business Website Building Do?s and Don?ts
First, using a lot of web graphics, flash, banners and pictures on your home page may make it look fancy or cool; but it will slow down the loading time extensively. And lets be real here, most people that look at your web page will leave if it doesn't load in 3 seconds or less. Because most people are naturally impatient. If they click on a banner or link that leads to your home page, they expect to see it the second they click, all of it. Not too many people will sit there and wait for your web graphics, flash intro, banners or 30 pictures to load. Keep in mind that not all visitors computers will load pages as fast as yours may. Set your screen resolution at 800x600, or at least put a notice on your page what resolution your site is best viewed in, because people hate to have to scroll back and forth to read from side to side.
What and How to choose the Right Keywords for Mega Traffic
Keywords in Search Engine Optimizing and Search Engine Marketing are the building blocks and foundation of your website on the search engines. If your foundation is weak or poorly put together your webpages won't have much to be based upon for the engines to rank with.
Get a Website!, Register Your Domain!: To Website or Not to Website?
If you're fairly new to the Internet scene, you may just be a bit overhelmed with family members, friends, collegues, and advertisements urging you to get your own website for your business. Typically, this is good advice for businesses. However, for most small local businesses, running your own website may not be the best idea. Here's why: