Enhance Your Website With A Yahoo-Style Directory
Does your website have a links/resources page?
Do you exchange reciprocal with other websites to help boost your targeted traffic and search engine rankings?
Do you believe that a relevant, yet comprehensive resources page provides tangible benefits to your site's visitors?
If you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions, then you should consider adding an inexpensive (or free!) Yahoo-style Directory to your website. A quality Directory script will add an air of professionalism to your website and provide valuable content for your users.
A quality Directory script:
- Gives your website a professional "look and feel". You can eliminate those bloated, unattractive links pages that might brand your site as a "link farm".
- Allows your visitors to search for sites of interest in your directory using keywords.
- Allows you to display banner ads on your Directory pages (including the search results pages). With the best scripts, the search results pages will even display different banners according to the search terms used. This allows you to sell advertising targeted to specific keywords!
- Encourages other webmasters to exchange links your website. You'll soon have webmasters standing in line to exchange links with you.
- Automates the link exchange process to a large extent without all of the negatives that can get a website banned by the major search engines. A quality Directory script will handle everything related to adding a link to the database, yet still allow you to manually approve the link!
There are many good directory scripts available on the web. Just do a Google search for "CGI scripts". Add a quality Directory script to your site today and you can take your web presence to an entirely new level!
About The Author
Rick Rouse is the owner of RLROUSE Directory & Webmaster Resources. He is the author of several popular articles and ebooks on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and traffic building. Visit him at http://www.rlrouse.com.

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