Achieving Differentiation With Your Website
Internet Marketing is not a miracle marketing strategy ? competition still exists and you need to have a unique approach with regards to:
Web Design
Just as in the "real world", where your brand needs to have a unique look and feel about it, so does your website. You won't have much luck finding a web design template that is consistent with your corporate identity.
Web Page Layout
Layout refers to the way in which your content and navigation system is arranged on your web pages. It's not always easy to have a unique layout ? you might argue that you will either have your navigation menu displayed vertically or horizontally across to top of the page. If you can come up with a unique design, you can come up with a unique layout. The more unique the layout the more unique the interaction the visitor will experience.
Interaction refers to the way the visitor interacts with the content of your website ? you can achieve unique interaction by adopting functionalities that have not been used often before and by having a unique layout & design. Just be sure that these functionalities are user-friendly and do in fact enhance the visitor's experience.
Web Site Content
Content refers to your verbal approach and the type of information you are providing to your website visitor. The Internet is all about sharing information ? so why not tell your visitors what they want to know! Providing "quality" content will not only add value to your website visitors experience on your website, but is also vital in help you boost traffic to your website from search engines.
John Simms is an Internet Marketer for Eiledon Solutions, a website development & design company in Cape Town, South Africa. Visit the website for more info.

The Importance of Website Stats to You
One of the best tools you have as a webmaster is your website statistics. The most popular site stats programs are Awstats, Webalizer, and Analog. Usually, they come free of charge and are accessible through your website's control panel provided by your web host.
Where on Earth is Your Websitee?
You've just finished congratulating your marketing team. After six months of concentrated effort you can now actually find your own company web site within the search engines. Everyone is busy handshaking and back patting when a voice from the back of the room rises above the din. "Yeah this is great! Can't wait until we can find ourselves on wireless devices."
7 Reasons YOU Need a Website
1) A marketing necessity
Website Strategy!
A website lets you put your products in front of a world-wide audience. It can help you generate new revenue, cut costs and build better relationships with both customers and suppliers.
7 Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs A Web Site
Many small businesses have the misconception that their business can not benefit from a website; that websites are too expensive or that because they don't use a computer neither do their potential clients. Here are 7 reasons why your small business NEEDS a website:
10 Simple Steps: Its Magic If You can E-Mail You can Update Your Web Page Dynamically
Dynamically Update Your Web Pages Via E-Mail
35% Revenue Increase? from Your Website!
2 Golden Rules for an Engaging Website
17 Tips to Plan a Website
Everyone wants one.
The Birth of a Professional Web Site
The Internet has opened a whole New World of opportunity for all of us. With the vast amount of information available at your fingertips, it has never been easier to communicate your message to the world.
Make Your Own Brand!
There are millions and millions of websites on the Internet. You NEED to be different in some way from all of them! If you could get a visitor to your website, that means nothing. Only returning visitors must be counted. When they return the second time, "branding" starts to occur. Huge companies advertise not because they want to provide you with information about their product. They do that because they're trying to "brand" its name and image. Actually, it is the brand you are paying the money for when you buy something from "Adidas", "Nike" or "Coca-cola". People will actually be willing to pay for the brand they know, so make it as bright and memorable as possible. However, it is useful to remember that too complex logo will definitely slip out of peoples' minds.
Build a Strong Foundation for Creating Your First Online Identity ? Notes for Beginners
If you are looking for creating your online presence you should follow some of the basic requirements so that your new website will have a strong foundation. Today internet is a growing media which can provide you maximum results, which no other media can do for you. If you think on right direction and take your action step by step, it is almost certain that your site will have a strong online presence and reach to the maximum of you potential clients.
Streamline your Business Website with a Content Management System
I talk with so many people who have small businesses and would like to have a web presence but don't know the first thing about how to even get started. Some of the reasons I hear are:
Five Reasons You Have to Stop Your Web Site
That's right. Your method, behavior and strategy you are now using to manage your website may be justifiable reasons to stop it as soon as possible.
Ebooks for Webmasters
Internet has opened a whole new world for web developers and web designers who are looking to get their websites developed that are finally launched on the huge world of World Wide Web. Keeping that factor webmasters are the people who have to face a lot of problems mainly due to the entrance of new software, programming languages and viruses that are a real threat for the webmasters.
Are Web Graphics Stealing Your Money?
They might not be wearing a mask and carrying a gun, but if you've got images on your web pages then they could be costing you a lot more money than you think every time a visitor looks at one. That's because image files are typically the biggest bandwidth user on any web page. Whenever a visitor's browser is displaying an image on your site, it's actually downloading that image to the local user's hard drive. When anything gets downloaded, it uses bandwidth and bandwidth costs money. The moral of that story is: The bigger the image the more bandwidth it consumes.
Unlocking the Power of Your Website!
Why do some web sites reap huge benefits while others just get lost in the shuffle? Do some web masters have a secret that most of us have overlooked? Actually, there is a secret to unlocking the power of your web site and it has to do with words. When communicating via the web, words truly make all the difference. And the only way to get the most out of your website is carefully choosing what you have to say and how you say it.
Live Support from Your Website? Can You Do It for Free?
I'm a freelance programmer and somehow I managed to get clients, speak with them, and generate leads for years without a live help system. To be honest, I had put in bids for a "live" help system several times, and I wasn't aware there were free options out there.
Guidelines for Web Page Optimization
Below, I have listed 8 simple steps that you can take to optimize your web pages. By following these, you will improve your chances of increasing your rankings:
Making Your Websites More Compelling
The Internet is a remarkable publishing medium. With just a little effort, you can make your web pages visually irresistible by playing with color, shapes and text. Whether your websites are already launched or you're ready to create your first few, use the 3 simple steps below to kick things up a notch and make your sites professional and appealing.
10 Tips For Running A Profitable Web Site
1. Address your targeted audience on your business site. Example: "Welcome Internet Marketers". If you have more than one, address them all.