SEO #6: How TO GET Banned by Google!
Yesterday you should have read the fifth course out of 6 courses that will help you get a TOP rank in the search engines and get EXPLOSIVE LASER TARGETED TRAFFIC for Free. Today we move on to course #6 and study how to get banned by google! Please read today's course very carefully and take some time to test what I'm about to tell you on your own webpage. Alright let's start!
How TO GET banned by Google!
Now this course is here to make sure that you don't screw up and get your website banned by google. If you search in google one day for your website and don't find it then you're probably banned. Another way to see this is by downloading the google toolbar, if you visit your website and instead of showing you a PR it shows a completely grey bar then you're banned for sure. Now the best CURE for disease is prevention so I'll show you how to get banned and you will consecutively stay away from these methods and everyone lives happily ever after.
1) Hidden Text: If you have text on your websites that is the same colour as the background and can't be seen then you WILL get banned.
2) Alt image tag spamming: If you use too many of the same word in the alt tag of an image then you WILL be banned. An example is this: Someone puts their mouse over an image on your site and they see "graphic design,graphic design,design,graphic,graphic design tips,graphic design tutorials,graphic design downloads,graphic design forum,graphic design links,graphic design pictures"
3) Meta Tag Stuffing: DO NOT repeat the same keyword too many times in your met tags, if you do so you WILL get banned. An example of this a website that want to rank well for design so they use this: < META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="design,designs,designed,design,DESIGN,design,graphic design,design tips,design downloads,design design,design forever,design bs,DESIGN," >
4) Title Tag Stuffing Using too many words in your title tag is wrong and won't help you rank well; it will only get you banned. Many sites use this and are therefore not in google anymore. Just use a few words and you are fine. Stuffing 20 words in the title is a VERY bad idea.
So basically don't STUFF your website and you're fine!
You have finally graduate from the SEO 6 day course! I hope this course has tought you everything you needed to know and a bit more.
If you would like to contact me anytime and either complain (why would you!) or give me your testimonial then feel free to do so anytime. I'm there if you need any more help also.
Ahmed Omran is an experienced webmaster and marketer who owns Virtual Design - custom Webdesign and Home Based Business Revo

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