Are You Getting Nuked By Google Lately?
Since the last Google update, there have been many instances and examples of the Google Nuke Bot! This is what I call it anyway. Have you visited a favorite website lately only to realize they've been nuked by Google?
More and more we are seeing internet marketing / SEO companies getting nuked, by Google completely removing them from their data banks. I am not going to mention any names because I'm sure the owners of the once populated websites already know and are embarrassed from this development.
Since the word went out on WebPositionGold getting banned from Google for automatic queries sent to Google, we are noticing other related websites going down for the count as well.
For the info on WebPositionGold, go here: http://www.socialpatterns.com/search-engine-marketing/webposition-banned/
The things is, we already know about Webpositiongold, what about other sites that are getting hit hard? Has your site been nuked?
It seems as though, some sites that had thousands of links pointing from Google are getting hit the hardest. It seems like Google is cracking down on "spam tactics", "submission tactics", and anything related to unethical SEO practices.
Is Google Making An Effort To Uphold Their Webmaster Guidelines?
Will it come to a point where if we don't uphold the Google guidelines, we cannot be successful online? This thought is ridiculous but almost scary to think it could happen! What about website's that still hide text through same background colours? Hidden div layers? and mirror pages? Why hasn't Google attacked those issues first?
You can almost make the assumption that by Google nuking websites that send automatic ranking & link popularity queries to their data base, this may be a huge effort to relieve the strain on the query servers in order to free up some memory.
How Does Getting Your Website Nuked From Google Affect Your Credibility?
An event like this could ultimately ruin your reputation online. People who have come to trust your knowledge and judgment on Google rankings may never look at your company the same ever again. People might think to themselves "I don't want to get nuked like they did!".
How Can You Tell You've Been Nuked?
* Your Google Page Rank is now 0-2/10 and should be at least 5/10
* You have zero backlinks listing in Google anymore
* You have zero internal website listings within Google by doing (site:www.yoursite.com)
* Google's cache of your website is no longer to be found
For newer websites, don't be confused between this nuking process and your own evolution online. Getting and maintaining a high PR level takes a lot of work.
Once Nuked, Does Google Still Come Back?
The question I have for websites that have been nuked: Can you still see Google in your stat log files for your site? If so, I wonder if Google is still keeping an eye on you and watching your every move?
In Conclusion:
Stay away from programs that generate automatic queries into Google. Don't check your link popularity 3 times a week and especially don't check your search engine rankings twice a day. Just simply promote your website and measure your success through your internal website stats and monthly profits. Google doesn't appreciate websites that consistently draw their power in order to measure their success, just simply take that out of your daily actions.
Cheers to your online success!
About The Author:
Martin Lemieux is the president of the Smartads Advertising Network who helps companies like yours to increase your business offline and online.
Smartads Internet Marketing: http://www.smartads.info
Smartads Canada: http://www.smartads.ca
Copyright © 2005 Smartads Advertising Network - Reprints Accepted. Author resource must be included!

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