Search Engines Are Going to Love You for This
What's the most potent free traffic source on the web?
*** Search Engines! ***
Surprised? Of course not. Why do so many people concern themselves so deeply with search engine optimization, positioning and ranking?
In the United States, the follow FOUR search engines handle (*)94% of all search inquiries each and every day.
Google = 35%
Yahoo = 28%
AOL (powered by Google) = 16%
MSN = 15%
* Source: comScore Media Metrix
Given this information and the fact that 100's of millions of searches are performed every day; wouldn't you want to have your website ranked high enough that it was one of the first sites listed by Google or Yahoo or AOL or MSN? Imagine the exposure that you'll receive!
One undisputed fact is that search engines love websites that offer focused content.
If you're publishing a newsletter online, there are a number of things that you can do with the articles and content that you create. This article will discuss search engines and their affinity for focused and relative content.
I want to show you a free tool that will help you take articles that you write or other people's articles (with their permission, of course) and very quickly and easily incorporate it into your website.
STEP 1: Find articles that tie in closely with the theme of your website or any particular page on your site. For testing purposes you can use this newsletter to play around with.
STEP 2: Go Here:
==> http://snipurl.com/texttohtml
STEP 3: About mid-page on the right-hand side you'll see a short paragraph with the title "Free Text to HTML Converter". Click on the title. This is a CGI script that I installed at Internet Marketing Power Tools for your use.
STEP 4: Copy the text that you want to convert to HTML code, and paste it in the open text box that you see when this page opens.
STEP 5: Scroll down the page and choose the options that will give you the output that best suits your needs.
STEP 6: Click the "Convert to HTML" button at the bottom of the page.
STEP 7: Click the "Select All" button to copy and paste the now-HTML-formatted text into your webpage.
That's all there is to it.
By including meaningful content on your website, you should receive more favorable rankings in the major search engines. This is only one aspect of what search engines are looking for, but it's an important component and will put you on the right track to getting ranked higher and increasing traffic to your site.
Copyright 2005 Ron Hutton
Ron Hutton is a 20 year sales and marketing veteran with a passion for coaching and training. Subscribe to "GoThrive Online", for big juicy marketing tips in small, easy-to-chew, bite size servings. 17 Free Cool Tools... http://www.gothrive.com

7 Search Engine Optimization Mistakes and Solutions
To many websites, webmasters discover that major sources of website traffic come from search engines. Therefore, they are all keen on gaining top search engine placements through search engine optimization.
Ranked #1 at Google for Invisible Entrepreneurs But No Traffic?
I am ranked #1 for that silly phrase at Google. So What?
Search Engine Traffic Myths, Time Wasters, and Pitfalls
Everyone wants to increase their rankings with the search engines and because of this there is a ton of information available on how to go about it. Unfortunately, while some of this information is real, there is just as much or more information that is outdated, wrong, and a complete waste of time, money and energy on your part. So, you can read the following and learn about a few of the myths and pitfalls people believe about search engines and in the future you can continue to educate yourself from reputable sites that provide accurate and truthful information.
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How to Top Google by Writing Articles
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Dont Get Banned by Google
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How to Choose Keywords to Theme Your Pages and Boost Your Traffic
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SEO Expert Guide - Ongoing Monitoring of Results (part 9/10)
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What is Search Engine Optimization?
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Importance of Keywords in Anchor Text or Title Text
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Top 2 Ways To Get Higher Rankings in Major Search Engines
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SEO - Google Sitemaps Explained
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New Site and Sandbox: How to Get Rid of It
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Five Ways To Win The Favor Of Search Engines
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How To Design A Search Engine Friendly Website
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Search Engine Optimization for Beginners
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Creating a Google SiteMap For Your Work At Home Business Web Page
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Keywords are the ?KEY? to a Popular and Profitable Web Site
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