Free Web Hosting Tips
1. The reliability of the service and their offers.
A brand new hosting provider which boasts features that are too good to be true usually won't last for too long. Let's take the example of one host (I won't give names here) that went offline only a few weeks ago. They were offering 500MB of storage, 10GB of bandwidth per month, domain hosting, unlimited domain parking, CPanel with just about all possible features, absolutely no ads (not even a request to link back), and this only for 150 posts in their forum. Sounds too good to be true? Betcha! After they cashed in two fat checks from AdSense they simply went offline. No prior notice, no apology, nothing.
Things to watch out for:
- Design. If the site looks like it was bought from a man in a white van, or if it's using a design from a free template site, it's probably just a waste of time. If these guys couldn't pay a web designer $100 for a decent layout, they don't probably have the skills to run such a site.
- How long they've been around. I'm not saying that new sprung hosting services can't make it, just be careful when choosing one that's two months old.
- Check their Google PR, ranking on free hosting directories and any other location you might think of. If the site has tons of inbound links, the owners have probably spent a considerable amount of money advertising it, so they plan to do their best to keep the service up.
2. Ads
Advertising placed on your web space is how free web hosting providers support their service. Having someone else's ads displayed on your page is usually the price you have to pay for their free service. There are a select few hosts that won't plug in banners or other forms of advertising in exchange for your performing other services in their favour (like posting in their forum or referring other members). What you should look for:
- How well the ads blend into your design. A red frame at the top will probably not go well with your blue template. If possible, pick a host that allows you to place a banner code anywhere you want-- this way you can put it wherever it best fits.
- Whether or not they display targeted ads. If your site is on dog chewing toys and the ads are on car deals your visitors will probably not like it. Worse, watch out for sites that display pornographic ads.
- What kind of ads they're displaying. Never, under any circumstances, sign up for a site that advertises through popups. Popups are extremely annoying, and most visitors will not return to your site.
- Do they allow your own ads to be displayed? It's one BIG issue you should know before signing up if you plan to make money with your site.
3. Tools and scripts available
Forums, guest books, counters, polls are always nice features to add to your site. If you can't or don't want to handle installing such an addon from a third party you could look for a host that already provides it. Keep in mind that these tools are not always the best and that there are most likely many other free ones out there. On the other hand, if your chosen host provides very few or no such tools, then it's probably either running on a slow server and doesn't want to clog it up or doesn't give a dime about their customers.
4. Monthly bandwidth and what they do after you eat it up
Always, no matter how small your site is, look for a host that offers at least 1GB of traffic per month. Also consider going with a host that will offer you a paid subscription if you go over this quota instead of simply blocking access to your page. Say you hit the jackpot and visitors start flowing in like crazy from day one. Next day you don't want them to see a page like "Sorry, this site has gone over the allotted bandwidth, please check back in a month or so".
Try this simple calculation: say your pages average 50kB, including images, or (approx.) 0.05MB. Now let's say your visitors browse 3 pages on average, before they leave the site. That's 3 x 0.05 = 0.15 MB. If we divide 1GB (or 1,000 MB) by 0.15, we get 6,666 -- the average number of visitors you can get in one month without going over the bandwidth quota. Divide that by 30 and you can have 222 visitors per day. Also keep in mind that search engines also eat up bandwidth, a deep crawl from a spider can eat up as much as 100MB if you have a lot of pages.
5. What your URL will look like
Even though you can get a short URL for free from services like http://go.to or a subdomain (.co.nr / .biz.ly etc), it's always best if your host can offer you a URL that's easy to remember. Choose a host that offers a subdomain if available (http://youraccount.theirdomain.com as opposed to http://www.theirdomain.com/youraccount).
Sebastian Ghiurca
Senior web developer.
Owner of http://web-design-tutorials.blogspot.com

Web Hosting - How To Choose The Right Provider For You
Thousands of companies, tens of thousands of different plans and only a few of them are really suitable for your web site and for your online needs. This is what you are confronted with when choosing a web-hosting provider.
Dedicated Server Price Check
The price of dedicated hosting services has really come down in the past couple of years. In fact, prices have dropped so much for the "budget dedicated server" market. While competitive conditions in both the hosting industry and the computer hardware industry have contributed to the reduction in dedicated hosting costs, don't think that prices were that inflated in the first place. Budget servers are fantastic but it takes more than a competitive market to offer services at such great prices. Much thanks to the great overbuilds of networks, data centers and computer hardware in the dot-com days, companies with a bit of buying power can acquire the hard-resources it takes to provide a good quality un-managed dedicated server for a great price. Finding a dedicated server for $199 a month or less these days is not that difficult. When shopping for your dedicated server, consider more than just price. Managed Services Before just lining up the amount of ram, the processor speed, the data transfer and the price ask yourself - what else can this company do for me that I need now, or may need down the road. While there are plenty that do it, a 1 person effort to maintain a mission critical or high traffic server is no easy task. It helps to have others helping look out for your interests as well. Check to see if your host provides managed services such as backups, monitoring, firewalls and intrusion detection. Sometime they may be included in the plan but nearly always can be negotiated in at a reasonable price and can be well worth the investment. Technical Support The level of support received with your dedicated services is important as well. Some dedicated hosts offer email only support in order to keep costs down while others flat out charge a fee for a support ticket. Your preferred method of receiving support plus the level and frequency in which you will need it should certainly be considered. The Quality of Your Network Most dedicated hosting providers these days have pretty substantial internet connectivity. Nonetheless, it is something you should be aware of. Look for a host that has redundant connectivity via multiple providers insuring as much connectivity uptime as possible. Some of the major connectivity providers these days are Sprint, UUNet, Savvis, AT&T, Qwest and Cogent. Summary A very cheap server deal does not simply mean you are dealing with an overly generous hosting company or that another provider is ripping you off at a higher rate. While some hosts do price more competitively than others, there are associates costs that must be covered. When shopping for your next dedicated server just keeps in mind you may not always be comparing apples to apples. Please refer following web sites for useful resources related to web site hosting: http://www.vipwh.com http://www.thehostingguide.com
How to Choose the Web Hosting Provider?
1. Does the company offer telephone support or 24/7 email support?
Web Site Hosting ? An Easy Guide
Web Hosting ? Made Simple What is web hosting anyway? What do I get when I buy a web hosting solution? To make thing clear from start let's just say how it all works. Web pages basically consist of text and images. Generically, the information contained by these files is called content. The look of the web page is called design. In order to be accessible to online users, all these files must be stored on a web server. You can think of web servers as computers storing the files of tens or hundreds of web sites. These computers are all connected to the Internet through high-speed connection. When you access a web page, your browser connects to the web server that stores that page and downloads it to your computer.
Good Web Hosting ? What Is It?
With hundreds of web hosting companies to choose from today it can be hard to know which ones are actually worth using. Below is a guide of things to look for in a web host:
How to Choose a Web Hosting Company
Web Hosting Advice
Cheap Web Hosting Package? eCommerce Web Hosting? - Choosing A Web Hosting Provider
One of the important decisions you'll make when you decide to put your business on the web is which web hosting provider to use. The web hosting company that hosts your personal page may not offer the best plan for your business needs. Here are some things to take into account when you're looking for a web hosting provider for your professional web pages.
Top 6 Ways to Promote Your Web Hosting Business Part 2
Here are the following three methods that can help you improve your web hosting business. These three are targeted towards the service you provide:
Web Site Hosting For Your Business ? Free or Paid?
It's time to choose! Should you spend some money to get a web hosting solution for your business or get one for free?
Will All The $1.95 And Free Hosts Survive?
The main thing wrong today with trying to find a host for most individuals and businesses is the shear number of them. Their prices range from free to hundreds of dollars per month. When you go out on the web today and do a search for hosting you will find page upon page of hosts. Some are well established companies with solid reputations and business plans that make sense. Yet some are beyond belief that anyone would host with a company that offers you a 100mb website for $.99. Yes I said that right $.99.
What to Look for in a Web Host
The first questions you have to ask yourself are: how much space and bandwidth do I need; do I want one site or several sites; how much will I have to spend; am I going to use an SQL database; how much uptime does the web host offer; does this site host spammy adult sites; what extras are offered; are there script limitations; do they provide a control panel; and if my site gets too big, what is the next level and how much does it cost?
Unlimited Wealth Creation Through Reseller Hosting
Web hosting can be an exciting business start up for aspiring entrepreneurs. All you have to do to set up your business is become a hosting reseller, i.e., provide hosting facilities to website owners. Here as a business owner, you are buying space from a big hosting company, and redistributing the hosting space to other website owners.
Cheap Web Hosting, What To Look For And What To Stay Away From
"Bargains for sale, Unlimited Hosting for only a Dollar."
The Problem With Web Hosting Today
When it comes to web hosting, the quality of the bandwidth is as important (if not more important) than the hardware your site runs on. That's because even with the fastest web server, your site will come to a crawl if it's connected to poor quality bandwidth.
Getting The Best Web Hosting For Your Business
After the dot.com bubble burst a few years back I really thought that the Internet craze was over. With sites folding faster than newbies at a Texas Hold 'Em table it seemed like all those tech-crazed nerds would have to go out there and get real jobs like the rest us. Even the stock market seemed to lose interest in the Internet and the Nasdaq plunged. But, like the inevitable sunrise, the Internet just continued to grow and build momentum with each passing year. But I am no fool and it occurred to me that I either hop on board or risk the consequences of being left behind!
Finding a reliable hosting provider
The website hosting business is very competitive these days with hundreds of thousands of reliable hosting companies out there but what company is best for your needs and that will provide you with a reliable hosting service from customer support to the reliability of there web servers.
Hosting Your Way All The Way To The Bank
Let's face it, the Internet is here for good. Today's Internet reminds me of the California gold rush. There is a ton of moeny and opportunities to be made by everyone who wishes to participate in this modern day gold rush. Most people have been drawn to the Internet, because of the ability to leverage their time and make money even while they are sleeping. Which makes it an even better opportunity than the gold rush!
Dedicated / Virtual Dedicated Servers and Its Benefits!
What is a Dedicated / Virtual Dedicated server and why is it different than normal web hosting. Web hosting offers you limited control of how the server your web site is hosted on behaves. Normal hosting plans put many customers' accounts on a single server and you upload your files to that Server. Dedicated / Virtual Dedicated servers allow you to actually control your own server where you receive Admin access to install and run virtually anything YOU want on the server. You can host multiple web sites on the one server account, and even sell hosting and host other sites on your server.
Web Hosting: 4 Factors in Choosing a Hosting Company
When choosing a web hosting company there are a whole lot of different factors that should go into your decision making process. One of the biggest factors should be:
How Can I Get The Web Host Services And Support I Need, Hassle-free?
Choosing a host or switching hosts can be an agonizing experience. There are so many choices and price structures.