I Want To Be A Freelancer
So you have decided that you want to do freelance work. You have done your homework and have developed your skills in HTML, PHP, CMS, and a slew of other applications. Now you are ready to start your new career. So how do you get started? Without clients your business is non existent. So how exactly do you build your business and find clients. Below are just a few key elements to help you get started.
Develop a website portfolio
In order for your potential clients to see what you offer, and get a feel for you, it is necessary to have your own website. The purpose of your website should act as a portfolio for potential clients. Show completed projects in the form of gif, or jpegs. When people can see your work, they will be more apt to use your services.
Develop your website as a total package to your clients. Don't just present your portfolio and leave it at that. Offer tutorials, articles, support forums etc. These additional services not only provide additional content for you clients, but if developed correctly will bring additional traffic to your site which will potentially lead to more sales.
Word of Mouth
In the freelance industry, word of mouth is probably your biggest asset. If you do a good job for one client, ideally he will tell someone of the service you provided and recommend you. Of course this works both ways. If you do a job for a client that was sub par, that will poorly reflect on your business and result in a loss of potential clients. In the field of freelance work viral marketing is essential.
Forums are an amazing resource for your new business. The idea is, you post in forums that are relevant to your services. Have your website name and description in your signature. If people see that you do know what you are talking about, they will be more likely to visit your site. Forums are ideal for the needed exposure you need to build a strong client base.
Forums are also great place to learn and gain feedback and experience on your work. Go to web design communities such as New York Freelancers and get reviews on your work. Remember, criticism is essential in order for you to grow and learn.
To be a successful freelancer, you have to develop a business plan which works from all angels. If you can develop you business with has a professional looking portfolio, use forums are a source for potential clients, and develop a positive relationship with each client, your chance at success will be high. Of course there are many other factors to consider as well, but if you can master these simple points, you will have an excellent start.
The New York Freelancers website has all information you will need on Freelancing in the New York area as well as around the world Or check out our Website Promotion service, ideal for new forums or websites.

How To Start Your Own Website
I'm one of those people that always wanted a website, but had no clue as to using the internet. I could check my email and that was about it. I never heard of ISP, FTP or all those other "words".
Let Your Customers Redesign Your Website!
When you purchase a new item from a Yahoo! Store, you are asked if you'd like to provide feedback on the transaction. About two weeks after the initial purchase, an email from Yahoo! Stores shows up, asking you to provide feedback for the vendor. Whether your experience was good or bad, the opportunity is probably seized more often than not by customers.
Guide to Internet Business - Design and Content
After deciding what kind of internet business you want to do, it's time to start planning the design and content of your business. Many people make the mistake of skipping this step, choosing instead to immediately start work on their website. However, a website is just a door into your internet business; and a door is pretty useless if there's nothing beyond it. An internet business, like any other business, requires proper planning and design if it's going to succeed.
Optimal Website Design
Optimal website design is the art of logical navigation.
Your Website Should Be Selling
It may come as some surprise to a traditionally off-line business that their website should be attracting new sales, or at least supporting the sales they have made. There is a common misconception that a website is more of a cost than an asset. When I ask companies why they would like a website the common answer is, "I don't know?" It seems to me that having a website is more of a reflex than something that is planned to help grow sales for the company. In other words, "Every business has one, I should too."
Creating Dynamic Website Content with PHP - MySQL
Fresh website content for your visitors can be of real benefit when attempting to generate repeat traffic. Most webmasters, however, just don't have enough spare time to frequently update or rebuild their pages manually. If your web site hosting company provides free access to PHP and MySQL, this article will show you how to combine those two open source tools and replace a portion of your websites' static content with frequently changing dynamic content.
Preventing Repeat Form Submission Using PHP Sessions
We've all seen those messages on some websites warning not to click a button more than once or negative consequences, like paying a bill twice, may result. Sometimes we can cause these problems by hitting the back or refresh buttons. In this article I will explain a methodology whereby a site can ensure each form is submitted only once, thereby demonstrating that such warnings are unnecessary and, depending on the nature of the problems caused, worth repairing immediately. Let's begin by taking a look at the process we are studying: Form Submission. As pedantic as it may seem, it will be worthwhile to detail each of the steps in this process: Visitor requests a page from the server which has a form on it.Server retrieves form and sends to user.User enters data on form and submits to server.Server processes form data and returns resultant page. The scenario we now need to analyze is when the user re-triggers a previous form submission process. What we need to find or create is something which changes during the form submission process which does not depend on the specific form being submitted and which we can tell changed. That was a loaded sentence which fully details our solution, so let's break it down. Find or create something which changes during the form submission process,does not depend on the specific form being submitted, andwe can tell changed.
The Number 1 Reason Most Websites Fail
Failure, just like success, is measured differently by each and every one of us. What one man treats as success another may view as failure. For the purposes of this article a website that fails is one that fails to attract and convert enough targeted visitors into paying customers.
What Does An Ex-Basketball Coach Know About Pulling Web Metrics?
In my previous life.....
Duplication vs. Individualism
How can we add Word Rich Content to our Websites without overtly duplicating others website content, and as an end product maintain our own Individualism?
Do Authors Need a Website?
"I am a writer, not a business-person. I don't want to have anything at all to do with business," you might think. But how mistaken you can be. As a writer of two books, I discovered the amazing opportunities available to someone who has a website.
Maximizing ROI via Web Site Traffic Analysis
We are clearly well past the innocent "golden age" of the Internet ? Darwinian economics have become the order of the day today. Any company worth their salt must maintain a web site as an information resource and/or to generate incremental ecommerce revenue. Qualified traffic is the name of the game, as it's the oxygen that keeps a good ecommerce web site thriving. Consequently, it's very important to have an understanding of your web site traffic or visitor activity; i.e. baseline information that includes the number of visitors during specific time periods, originating location (domain), where the visitors went on a site and how long they stayed on specific sections or pages of a web site. The de facto industry standard traffic analysis tool application is Web Trends, manufactured/supported by netiQ, Inc., which we will focus on in this article.
Setting Up Your First Website
Q. Hey, Cathy: I'm just setting up a website. What should I do?
A Website Is Not Enough
Your Objective
High Quality Website at Low Cost
Although designing a great web site is an important part of developing a successful online business, it is often becomes a problem for newcomers to the internet business.
Learn to Build a Better Online Business Website Using Keywords and Content
Are you aware that 90% of the websites on the Internet today are a waste of time and space. You have probably been on some of the sites I am referring to. You know the ones that when you arrive it really has nothing to do with your search criteria.
Tips to Protect Your Downloads or Products
1. Upload robots.txt file in to your root directory and include the folder name where you set your downloads.
Building eCommerce Websites that Work - Part 3
An interesting eCommerce success factor that isn't precisely overlooked, but which is often thought about more in terms of being a way of feeding the search engine spiders has to do with providing content. In a very real sense the customer's job is to consume. That's why you're in business.
The Dos and Donts of Launching a Small Business Website
Launching a new small business website is often a long and painstaking process. And for most small businesses, the endeavor rarely ends in success. The terrain is mapped with freelancers, firms, and consultants that don't offer the same services and most certainly don't charge the same prices. Projects are often riddled with unclear expectations, missed deadlines, and ridiculous hourly rates. What's worse is that many developers have the audacity to ask for even more money halfway through the project. Even after all of the hard work is complete, most companies don't even see a return on investment.
The Evolution Of Search
There have been many significant changes to the face of search over the last several years with engines becoming more intelligent than ever before. Today's users expect mainly fast, easy, relevant and satisfactory search results. In response to this search engines have responded by giving users more control over search results than ever through the emergence of alternative search engines.