How to Make Your Own Free Website in 8.5 Minutes or Less
Designing and creating your own website does not have to be a laborious effort that takes weeks to complete. Instead, in less than 9 minutes you can have your web site designed and up and running as long as you have a host located and know what you want to upload to your web page. Just follow these tips to get your web page online and attracting customers today.
#1 Host
Granted, you can spend a couple of minutes to find a host, but if you already have one in mind then you will save yourself time when starting to build your web page. There are a lot of free hosts out there which only require that you sign in, have your URL approved, and start building your site.
#2 Upload
Now that you have spent approximately 2 ½ minutes locating a host, logging in, and getting yourself ready to start building you only have 6 minutes left to actually build your web page. Don't worry, though, because this will take no time at all as long as you have a decent Internet connection and know more or less what information you want to include. Simply use the "build your web page icon" and the tools available through your host, and you should be able to upload text, photos, and any other information you want really fast.
#3 Click Done
Once you have uploaded your information and clicked the finish button, you are done and have completed your website in 8 ½ minutes or less. Good for you! All that procrastinating for something that takes so little time. And now that you have your basic web page in place you will be able to upgrade it at any time you want and just as quickly as before.
Remember, the thing that takes the most time is writing text. This is not included in the creation of the web page time frame as you should already have this completed. However, as long as you have your information together you can get your web site built and on the Internet in as little as 5-8 ½ minutes.
Also, you will want to upgrade and improve upon your website as frequently as possible to keep the information fresh and to keep attracting visitors to your site. The basic effort to get your website up and running is fast and easy, and maintenance is as well, so make sure you put in a few minutes every day to see that your website is the best it can be. You really will be amazed at how little time it takes to manage your web site.
Michael Turner reveals his foolproof way to increase website traffic in his free 7 part mini-series. Grab it free right now at http://www.powertraffictactics.com/

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Using Psychology Easily on Your Website to Make More Sales!
Psychology is a long word which everyone thinks, "no, that's not for me, it'll be too difficult". Apart from being lazy, anyone who thinks this is wrong. Applying psychology on your website is easy and extremely effective. Also, the fact that most webmasters take the lazy view of applying psychology gives you the edge over your competition.
The Topic Of Your Website
The first thing you will have to deal building your website has nothing to do with the web design itself, it's me related to content writing but it must be defined and will effect the rest of your actions. So first of all you need to decide what the topic of your future website is. Topic is very closely connected to another web design issue: keywords. The keywords you select will depend upon the topic you have chosen. When thinking about website topic ask yourself a few questions: What is the goal of the site you are making? What are you trying to achieve with your site. Specify a goal, preferably in one short sentence.
Creating Websites that Cater to Exam Preparations
One of the things that Internet excels is disseminating information and knowledge across many brains and continents. In this global economy the aspirations of the younger generation is not bounded by countries or continents. They aspire to join the best universities or train to be part of great global business entities. The demand for these has become so high that aspirations are just the start but a lot of planning and taking courses is involved. For folks whose aspirations are quenched by local universities it is relatively easy as they can easily form study groups or circles. For the rest whose aspirations don't suit the popular trend in their current physical locality they don't have access to study circles. For these folks Internet is the main and sometimes the only tool available. There are many great Internet companies that cater to the needs of the folks. But this market is nascent and is evolving. This article provides a snapshot of what is offered by some of the popular online websites which would be really helpful for new comers who want to help for the countless dedicated niche areas.
Things to Consider Before Starting a Website
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HTML Editors 101 - Smaller Is Better
Increase Hits to Help Increase Your Business
In this day and age most businesses consider having their own website; from informational based to the most advanced and complex e-commerce site. For the large enterprise, this become a vital part of their day to day operation, their web site embeds complex applications that exchanges critical information between their partners and clients. Web services are sometime employed in order to simplify their transactions and easily exchange critical information across their suppliers, clients and partners.
PHP Redirect
A PHP Redirect automatically transfers a web user from one URL to another. For example, typing foo.com in the browser automatically transfers the user to another URL bar.com.
Building a Great Intranet Taxonomy
While it may seem like a "quick and easy" task, defining the navigation structure and organization of your intranet site will be one of the most challenging tasks you will face in the course of your project. It is also one of the most critical success factors. The site structure, also referred to as the information architecture or taxonomy, is the foundation of your intranet. Creating an effective taxonomy is as much an art as it is a science. Use the wrong terms and your users won't be able to navigate by intuition. Make your site too deep and they will never find the content they're looking for.