Running An Effective Website
Running an effective website is a continuous process. I have compiled five (5) ways of doing it on a regular basis.
1. Maintain and Optimize Your Site.
Maintenance is making sure your site is technically ready for visitors. To do this, a web site owner needs to regularly run site diagnostics to unearth common problems, such as browser compatibility, load time performance, dead links, link popularity, spelling check, HTML, design and directory registration readiness. You have to make sure your site is optimized in all areas mentioned.
2. Attract your visitors.
Nobody can resist a free offer. You have to reward your visitors with loads of free stuff. Giving something for free creates the demand for them. You also need to update your web site regularly, add fresh content, update time-sensitive information, and offer good deals/discounts/promos/special offers to give your visitors a valid reason to return to your site.
3. Track your visitors.
An effective web site contains a functional counter that can tell how many visitors are coming, where are they coming from, and which website(s) referred it. With this information on hand, you can identify which marketing campaigns, banner ads and page content to display on your web site.
4. Understand your customers.
If you identify and understand your visitor's demographics, you'll be able to understand what types of people are interested in your site. You can then identify potential new visitors, and target your promotions to those segments for best return on investment.
5. Communicate with your customers.
Keep in touch with your visitors by setting up an e-mail mailing list. E-mail is the most cost-effective way of announcing news, promotions, product releases or tips to your visitors.
Additionally, the more you establish your rapport with your visitors, the more useful you can make your site to your existing visitors.
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