14 Ways to Add Content to Your Web Site - Part 1
When I surf the Net, I often see web sites filled with beautiful graphics that strive to capture my attention. Well, they do so for an instant, however I click away when I don't immediately find relevant content. The content you add to your web site needs to attract both visitors and search engines.
Here are 14 ways to add content to your web site and attract visitors:
1. Get into the mind of your visitor. Brainstorm all the ways your visitor would think of your product. Write your content as if you are sitting next to him/her explaining your product. Don't write in the 3rd person ie we, they, but use I, you, or your. This makes it more personal.
2. Keep it simple - write as if explaining your web site material to a 7th grader (12-13 year old). Don't use complicated words that people would have to look up in the dictionary. You want them to understand clearly what your site is about.
3. Convey emotion - people on the Web are often in a great hurry, so you need to appeal to their emotions to stop them clicking away to the next site. Use stories, convey your experiences or include testimonies from others. This adds to your credibility and trust, 2 essential factors for doing business online.
4. Communicate quickly and efficiently - people online tend to scan rather than read everything on the page. Therefore use single lines of text for your headings and sub headings. Catch your visitor's eye with lists, bullet points and use short, snappy, active (not passive) words in your sentences. Your paragraphs should only consist of 2-5 sentences. Long paragraphs make it hard to read (scan) your page quickly.
5. Create white space - the layout of your web page should include plenty of white space. Don't lean text hard up against your graphics. Include white space between headings, sub headings and paragraphs.
6. Use graphics sparingly - you have heard it said, "a picture is worth a 1000 words." That's true but only if the picture supports your content. Don't overdo the graphics. You may impress your visitors initially, however to keep them interested in your site, you need high quality content.
7. Create high quality content - make clear points with each paragraph you write. Each paragraph should build on the previous one, so that you are pulling your visitor through your page naturally. You are trying to pre sell the product or service to your visitor. This puts them in a natural frame of mind to buy (unlike many sites which may just have pictures of the products and a shopping cart).
Part 2 of this article will discuss the last 7 Ways to Add Content to Your Web Site
Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of
Web Site Design and Web Hosting
Pick up a copy of his new ebook
101 Highly Effective Strategies to Promote Your Web Site -
a powerful guide for attracting 1000s of visitors to your web site.

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