SEO #1: Choosing THE Keywords to Optimize for
This is the first lesson out of 6 that teaches you the most important elements of search engine optimization. You should read one of these 6 courses EVERY day so that you can have enough time to "digest" all the information and put them to the test. Now today is DAY #1 and I will start with the first course on the list:
Choosing "THE" keywords to optimize for
1) The first step in search engine optimization is choosing the right keywords that you want to rank well for on the search engines. This is very easy to do nonetheless many webmasters FAIL HERE! Ok for this course I will be using a website about "jokes" as an example. First you need to use the very powerful keyword tool that Overture offers, you can see it here: http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/
2) Now the second step is to put "jokes" and search for it in the overture keyword tool. The results that I received are shown here:
Count Search Term
927525 joke
116589 funny joke
65099 blonde joke
60135 dirty joke
47577 joke of the day
38086 good joke
37347 yo mama joke
35360 joke online prank
30615 clean funny joke
As you can see there are thousands of searches done monthly using these keywords and by ranking well in search engines you can get all these visitors for FREE! Wait don't get too excited and DONT try to rank for the keyword "joke" because if you search in Google for that keyword you will find out that there are more than 15 MILLION pages competing for that specific keyword! So what do you do? Well start small and target less competitive keywords to get some good traffic to begin with and then target the "BIG FISH"! Alright for example you can target the keyword "yo mama joke" which is searched for approximately 37347 times every month and YET there are only 310,000 pages competing for it! You CAN rank very well for this keyword and be on the FIRST page to receive more than 30,000 hits to your website every month. That's 1000 visitors everyday for one keyword FREE!
3) We have chosen a keyword that is not very competitive but gets quite a lot of searches and it is "yo mama jokes". You can choose a few other keywords like "blonde joke" which has less than 1 million pages competing. And "joke online prank" with only 200,000 competitors.
4) Now take a few minutes to think of a keyword that is related to your website and repeat steps 1 to 3. It's easy and wont take more than a few minutes. Choose the right keywords and wait for lesson two!
WOW I must have you thinking now, what if you start competing for the more competitive keywords later and get even more visitors! Well you can once you master this and you will hit the million page views mark in no time. This won't happen overnight nor will it happen in days. This will take weeks of hard work but the end result is EXPLOSIVE LASER TARGETED TRAFFIC for FREE.
"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." - Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway's Billionaire Chairman)
Take a few minutes everyday to read the courses and try them on your website. All this information is FREE so why not spend some time and learn it? You have nothing to lose.
If you would like to contact me anytime and either complain (why would you!) or give me your testimonial then feel free to do so anytime. I'm there if you need any more help also.
Ahmed Omran is an experienced webmaster and marketer who owns Virtual Design - custom Webdesign and Home Based Business Revo

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