More Hits are Good for My Website - A Myth You Should Avoid
I hear this all the time. "I can get you listed on 100,000 websites for $29.95" and..."I can get you 100,000 hits on your website for the same price". Avoid these like the plague.
First off you don't need a 100,000 visitors to your site. What you need is 100,000 CUSTOMERS on your site searching for your product or service. Very simply you're not going to find many people doing this for you. DocMurdock? will do this. Our mission is to find people looking for your product or service and bring them to your website so that you can sell them. While we don't guarantee more sales, we'll get you people who want your product to come and look-see. If your sales message is clear, you'll sell them. We help with this as well.
How do we do this? We evaluate your site for things that pull people in. Things that are magnets for people and attract them to stay on your site vs. things that repel them and send them to your competition. We also scour the web for those people and lead them to your site so they'll buy your product or service.
If you have an auto parts site and people show up looking to buy flowers...you're sales will not increase. If you have flowers and they show up to buy flowers...you're in the money. This is our objective. More sales for your company. More revenue. This is why we term what we do "Revenue Optimization" not Website Optimization. Kids optimize websites, and there are a lot of kids out there doing it. But...all the hits in the world are not going to increase your revenue, if they're not from people searching for your product.
With us, your hit counter may actually go down. It's not a bad thing, it just means that the people who are actually looking for your product or service are finally coming to your site. Another of our objectives is to increase the stay time of visitors. If they're there for less than a minute...sales will dwindle. If we put things in the right places, give them a call to action, ask them to do something, we keep them there. The longer a potential client is on your site, the more apt they are to purchase something.
Give them a reason to stay there. Offer them something free, ask them to subscribe to a newsletter, buy something, see something, get something for free...there are many ways to keep a customer on your site. Use attractive colors. Go out and see what the hottest websites are using for color schemes. Do those fit your business or your brand? Who are you using for branding and marketing? Check out www.howstudios.com for the best in the business. Howard Lim. Give him a call and tell him I referred you. He's great, and what he will create for you will help your business convey an image of greatness, one that will sell your product quickly.
100,000 websites...MYTH. There are really only 5 to be concerned with. One of them is listed to the right; GOOGLE the others vary from time to time, but keep in mind MSN, YAHOO, ALEXA, DOGPILE as some primary candidates to submit your site to.
Good luck and may your website rise higher every day.
Michael Murdock
Michael Murdock former Macintosh Systems Engineer for PIXAR, and Systems Engineer at SUN Microsystems brings his expertise of the web to SEO. He's been doing this for more than 8 years and helped many companies gain prominence on the Internet Search Engines. He can be found at http://www.docmurdock.com

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