Is Reciprocal Linking Dead?
I just read an article at SitePro News that really rings my bell.
It was written by Mike Banks Valentine. Obviously being a very successful webmaster, one must pay attention to his words and his most recent article really mirrors my thoughts.
Having just completed constructing a new website for my personal use, I have been looking for optimization improvements.
The current rage is "reciprocal linking" so I went about searching for some reciprocal links. To my dismay I discovered websites that contained lists of links in directories that appear nearly useless as far as pointing potential customers to my site. I completed arrangements for link swaps with a few, only to go back and find it impossible to find my link.
Caught up in the frenzy, I had begun to get drawn in to this game. Then I took a step backward. This craziness can't be adding anything of value to any of these websites. Should I participate anymore? I think not.
However it was reading Mike's words this morning that brought home the point that was nagging away at me and sitting in some little corner of my head.
This can't be a good thing and it can't hold up as a relevant marker for search engine ranking. What I am seeing is just too ridiculous.
I am an amateur webmaster by world standards but I don't like to be a "gimmick man." I would really like my website to stand on it's own two feet and have it judged by what you are reading. This links thing appeared to be a farce to me. I'm not into a bunch of "flash" and I won't rely on gimmicks.
Does that mean my website will never make it?
I don't think so. I will work on the important things and pay attention to the credible things. Mike's efforts and words will stand the test of time. I am sure of that. Gimmicks will come and go. I may not be making the best of what seems like "the magic bullet' but I will work to improve the aspects that will stand the test of time.
Does that mean it will take longer to rank well?
Maybe, but once it gets there, it shouldn't quickly go away simply because some gimmick that I utilized has been banished. It should stand the test of time!
Will I take more pride in my accomplishment?
Definitely yes. I realize that in this day and age of competition that "pride" may not be a factor. It is all about money and "do it fast". I still believe there is a place for pride. And to repeat Mike's words "put some content in your website". I bet it will bring more return viewers to your site. If they have found something of value, they will return to it.
Let's get it back to Pride and Quality.
Let your investment Stand the test of time!
About The Author
Tom Henricks is a small website publisher and also a licenced fishing guide in Ontario Canada.

SEO, the Simplified Version
Lets get things straight. SEO is a very competitive market. If you have the time to promote your site and have the energy to work hard to get a good PR then this is for you. I have read many books on SEO and tried to get the best tactics to use. If you have already built a website there are two things you need to do. First is ON PAGE optimizing and the second is OFF Page optimizing. On page is basically getting your meta tags and description tags similar to the pages that you have built. One key thing to remember is try to use tags with the keywords in your content. For example: if you have keywords like "SEO consultant" in you content you should bold it and put alt tags around it. Try to do this to each keyword per paragraph, don't over do it then google will think you're a spammer. Build pages according to you keywords and description tags.
Increase Your Search Engine Ranking
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Ten Steps To A Well Optimized Website - Step Seven ? Website Submissions
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Getting Noticed by Search Engines
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Surviving Googles Aging Delay
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Yahoo Dopey, MSN Goofy, Google is Mickey Mouse Lost in a Sandbox
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Search Engine Optimization Tips For 2005 - Part Two
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Even More Tips For Getting A Top 10 Search Engine Ranking!
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Twelve Steps to Higher Search Engine Placement
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Search Engine Marketing: 20 Nitty-Gritty Strategies To Compel People To Link To Your Website
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Finding The Best Search Engine
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Microsofts New Search Engine
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Youve Got The Power, Why Arent You Promoting It?
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The Power of Search Engine Friendly URLs
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Affordable Small Business SEO: 5 Common SEO Errors and How to Fix Them
Don't put the cart before the horse.
Onpage Optimization: Essential for Effective Offpage Optimization
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How To Find Good Keywords
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Paris Hiltons Reputation is SHOT! Hows Yours?
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