The Search Engine Of The Future: Mobility Has A Pricetag
We all know the ease of using a search engine to garner information from around the world in microseconds. We've gotten accustomed to accessing these for the price of our hookup to the internet, be it dial-up, cable or wireless. But as more of our world connects via wireless media, what is included in our 'free look' may be changing.
Mobile phones are taking over the world. There will be 1.7 billion wireless subscribers by 2006 according to Strategy Analytics. Interestingly, among the so-called "first world" countries, Europe has the most wireless customers and the United States the fewest. Not even in consideration is China and her billions--yet! Your company webmaster might be advised to take a closer look at fee-based advertising, because there is likely to be extreme competition for the key slots in any search result in the very near future.
In many parts of the world, a fixed line telephone is still a luxury. That is not the case with mobile phones, which are getting cheaper by the day. Add to this, access to the world wide web from a PC requires a great deal of hardware, most of which is costly. Conversely, access from a cell phone can be facilitated by a variety of different technologies and the target market for your company will soon be available to the tiniest of villages in the remotest part of the globe! The only constraint will be whether your website is correctly positioned on the web's search engines.
This is a fascinating time for increased communication, but you must seen to be heard. That is not as odd a statement as it sounds. As access to the search engines from cell phones, PDA's, car telematics, and pagers continues to increase, so will competition heat up for the key spots on search engine listings. Your company must target the parameters of the search engines to gain the advantageous top spots or it will be ignored. Or, you must pay for the privilege of the 'top dog' slot.
Facts are that portables are being used for everything and that the young are the most plugged in of the age groups. They will talk and drive. They will text message and drive! They are strung with ear pieces and voice activated microphones and can barely get through a meal without being in communication with someone elsewhere than at the dinner table. In the very few years that it takes them to grow into your boardroom executives, they will have determined your future. Cater to them and you shall be rich--but they must know you are there.
Things change quickly. When text messaging and ads first started coming to cell phones, the response rate was stupendous. All you had to do was offer a poll, a free chance on something or even a free newsletter on an interactive screen and your response rate was as much as 11%! That is down to 2% if you have a really good offer. And the spam cops are out there, ready to close you down if you are not thoroughly permission-based. Likely, search engines will have to change to accommodate the every increasing need for information from an increasing mass of people. The competition will be fierce. Your ideas, products and services must be piercingly targeted for your customer or your message will never be heard.
About The Author
Chris Palau is CEO of the software development company http://www.techcoders.com, which offers custom wireless development.

Getting Noticed by Search Engines
We all, meaning us webmasters want to have the best and top-rated website. But how do we get there? We start linking and submitting. If you are like me though, you don't want to pay someone to do this. So, you so it yourself. This article shows a few tips and tricks on how to do that, mostly on how to get indexed by search engines.
Search Engines: Tips and Strategies on Getting Listed and Ranking High for Newbies
You've got a website. You've put countless hours into it, tweaking the look and feel and making sure all the links work. The bad news is there are a gazillion other websites out there. The good news is there are many things you can control to make sure your site isn't lost in the morass of dot coms.
Google Bring Deskbar Search To Windows Desktop. Now Any Website Can Take Advantage Of This
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Getting Listed in the ODP, Google Directory
First of all, the Google directory is really just the open directory project (ODP: url here) with a few adjustments. While listings on DMOZ.org are arranged within their category according to simple alphabetic order, listings in the Google Directory are based upon PageRank [link]. Thus, sites with higher PageRanks will show up higher on the list of sites under any given category. You can see the PageRank of a site pictorially by looking at the little green bar off to the left of each listing. The other major difference is that the Google Directory updates its listings only once every few months. Therefore, a website that is accepted into the ODP today may have to wait 3 months or more before it is listed in the Google Directory. If you go to DMOZ.org, you can see all the latest listings because each category page is updated immediately after a new site is added.
Arrogant Overture Placing Greed Ahead Of Their Customers Needs
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Keyword Research Made Simple!
Keyword Research is the first task in optimizing your web site and pay-per-click campaign. Here you need to know what keywords your target group is using.
What is The Google Sandbox Effect?
In the age of fair competition you may find it hard to believe that a search engine may hinder the appearance of a new website. This is what is currently believed to be happening on more web servers today. Some programmers have viewed Google as uncomfortable to rank newer websites until they have proven their viability to exist for more than a period of "x" months. Thus the term "Sandbox Effect" applies to the idea that all new websites have their ratings placed in a holding tank until such time is deemed appropriate before a ranking can commence.
Search Engine Optimization: Who Do You Trust?
Internet search engines exist to organize the seemingly immeasurable amount of information available on the web. They direct people to pages that are relevant to their searches, pages that discuss the exact keywords they are looking for. For a business that receives the majority of its clientele from search engines, search engine rankings can make or break an e-commerce company.
Search Engine Rankings for Beginners
Search engine optimization is best left in the mystical land of the Intenet Marketing Guru right? Good Search engine rankings are tough to achieve. Understanding search engine marketing takes years of studying and only people with true insider knowledge and secret tools rank well in Google right? WRONG. Pure crap as a matter of fact.
Duplicate the Exact Steps Used to Get a Number 1 Yahoo Ranking in Less than 30 Days
If you have ever been into a McDonalds you will understood the value of the Cookie Cutter Model. Every McDonalds you go in are the Same. The Kitchen's are laid out identically, the procedures from everything to checking the toilet paper to ordering Hamburgers are all Laid out in detail. Have you ever seen a McDonalds go out of business. McDonalds is like a legal cash printing press. If you have a Good Formula you just repeat it over and over again.
Google Love - Five Top Tips To Make Google Love Your Site
1. Google love ...
A Real Example of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Success
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Adding Content To Your Site Every Day
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Top 10 Little Used SEO Strategies
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Beyond Hits!
Your Website visitor reports are a goldmine of information. If you don't review these on a regular basis, you can't fully evaluate the return on your Web investment. And, you could miss critical clues as to how user-friendly your site is, how effectively your message reaches your visitors, and what unmet needs they may have.
3 Principles Of Google
When online "Use it. Use it. Use it."
META Tags Explained and How To Use Them For Ranking
The META tags are used to provide extra information about a web page. There was once a time where a good search engine ranking could be achieved by simply changing the value of the META tags. However these days are long gone. Nowadays the META Tags are decreasing in importance in the eyes of the search engines who are using more sophisticated methods of ranking pages (namely link popularity, optimized anchor text).
How to Protect Your Search Engine Placement by Keeping Up-to-date on Industry Changes
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9 Ways to Keep Google Happy
A recent Google patent application has the SEO community buzzing. At a bare minimum this document reveals the direction Google is taking its future search criteria. Changes in the way Google will be evaluating pages for search rankings are intended to address two major problems:
No Cost Search Engine Marketing
As a matter of fact, I recommend NOT wasting money on pay inclusion in most cases because it doesn't offer enough of an advantage (and many times the fees give you absolutely no advantage - the only exception are the few sites that guarantee placement within a specific timeline). Focus your online marketing and gain positive and targeted traffic without paying out for "expedited listings" or "submission software."